I’m a software engineer in the mid-Atlantic area of the US, residing in Maryland. Currently employed by Microsoft, specializing in All Things Data in Azure.

A bit of personal trivia:

First computer: IBM PC (the original one, with a 64KB motherboard, single-side floppy drive, and green monochrome monitor)

Personality quirks: Puns. Constant puns. Uncontrollable puns.

Community recognition:

World’s first Former Azure MVP, 2010 (I was in the inaugural Azure MVP group, announced Oct 1, 2010; I survived the program for 25 days before joining Microsoft)

MongoDB Master, 2011-2015 (I was in the inaugural MongoDB Masters group; I was then graciously invited into the MongoDB Masters Alumni program just a few months after Azure’s DocumentDB was announced to the world). Fun fact: I created the very first Azure deployment of MongoDB (a simple standalone setup) running inside Azure Worker Role instances, and presented this at MongoDC 2010. Wow, how things have changed since!

Neo4j Ambassador, 2018